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To ensure safety, and for everyone to have a good time there are a few rules that everyone needs to abide to.


Rule #1 - please do not wear any body lotion, cream, or butter on the day of dance! These moisturizers are very danagerous for you and anyone who uses thep ole after you.

Moisturizers makes your skin oily and therefor makes you slip. 


Rule #2 - Do not attempt tricks that has not been taught to you by the instructor, if you would like to try new tricks discuss it with the instructor.


Rule #3 - If you are unsure of a move always ask the instructor to help you!!! ensure that you have someone to spot you at all times.


Rule #4 - if you are on any medication, or are injured in anyway, or if you are not feeling well, please inform your instructor.


Rule #5 - always be careful of your fellow dancers who are standing around you, make sure that they arent to close to you while you are doing a move. you could kick or hurt them.


Rule #6 - Lastly, always remember to have fun!!!



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